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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Proper Technique for Quitting a Job

After months of looking you’ve finally found the job of your dreams. The new company loves you and wants you to start work as soon as possible. The only problem is how to quit the job you have? Though you may have fantasized about telling your present boss to take this job and, well, you know how the song goes, there is a right way and a wrong way to quit a job—and just up and quitting in a bout of anger is definitely the wrong way.

The right method of quitting a job means formally resigning from your position. And even when you’re excited about leaving and perhaps even desperately want to leave, it can still be hard to actually resign. But it must be done—and the sooner the better. You should resign immediately when you’ve accepted a position with another company. This is particularly important if you’re going to work for a competitor because some companies have policies where this could cause what they consider a conflict of interest and they will want you to leave immediately after you’ve given them your notice.

When resigning from a position, you will want to give your employer a written letter of resignation. This letter does not have to be long or detailed, but should include the following: [...]

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